Group Wellness Training Workshop

  • 1 going
  • 4 interested

Group Wellness Training Workshop

This is a live 1 hour training session held on Zoom every Thursday at 10.00am held at various locations in Pearl Beach in breathtaking scenery. 

Hello, I’m Hayley Saunders and I want to personally invite you to join me in a weekly training session, a 12 week course where you learn to recreate yourself and experience life in a new way.

I’m so excited to be able to offer you live online mentoring and training in health and wellness, now more than ever your children need you to guide and support them in living a healthy life. Our world is experiencing a healthcare crisis, and not just because of covid, but because we have forgotten the most important medicine there is: taking care of ourselves with healthy food, exercise and lifestyle balance.

Learn how to become passionate about wellness and an inspiration to your children, I invite you to join me for this training and discover how you can create a new you, one that you love and that makes a difference in the lives of others.

As you battle the challenges of family court, I am your advocate for health, someone who will listen to you and guide you to making simple lifestyle changes that will transform your life and only take minutes of your day.

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